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We take pride in the appearance of the children in our school and we encourage them to wear school uniform.

We believe that a good, positive attitude to appearance promotes similar attitudes to other aspects of school life. Please help us by ensuring your child comes to school in school uniform.

Our school uniform consists of:

  • maroon sweatshirt or cardigan with school motif
  • white polo shirt/white shirt
  • grey or black trousers or skirts
  • Maroon fleece with school motif (optional)
  • Black or dark school shoes (no trainers or plimsolls)
  • During the summer grey or black shorts may be worn and gingham dresses in burgundy/red.

Please do use items from supermarkets and uniform stores. Our school motif jumpers, cardigans and fleeces are available using the following link - Jeavons Wood Primary (Uniform)

Good quality second-hand uniform is available from our PTA. To order it please visit the PTA website 

PE  Kit

PE is a statutory part of the school curriculum and all children are expected to take part in every lesson.

A letter is needed from parents if there is a reason why a child is unable to take part in the PE lesson. All jewellery must be removed for PE.

Our recommended PE kit is:

  • Black shorts or joggers
  • Maroon/Burgundy T-Shirt
  • Training Shoes
  • School fleece or jumper
  • During the hotter months the children will need to bring a hat or cap, which can also be worn at break and lunchtimes.

Growing Together