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School Council

At Jeavons Wood we believe that every child should be involved in our school council and that’s why we use Smart School Council. In order to facilitate this, each year we have a Communication Team selected from Year 5. The children who would like to be part of this team apply and then the previous team hire and train their replacement. Our Communication Team is made up of five children:

  • Tech Lead, responsible for updating the live class meetings and collating responses using their own log-in.
  • Question Finder, this person talks to children and staff to come up with suitable progressive questions to support the development of our school.
  • Staff Liaison, is someone who feels they are confident and can go and speak with staff to remind them about class meetings and run ideas past our Senior Leadership Team.
  • Progress Board Updater, takes charge of the display outside of the school hall to keep everyone in the loop about what is happening across our school council projects, or even what we can’t do and why that is.
  • Action Team Developer, this role is the person who organises teams from across the school to work on projects, this really does mean that it is more than just a core group of children actively driving change.

To involve all children at our school we have monthly class meetings with a question, the children are grouped with adult support in the classroom and have nominated child meeting leaders and note takers who take charge and lead the way. We have found this an amazing way to gather both views across the school equally and also to take ideas on board for future projects or quick tweaks within our school life.

Keep an eye out for our updates in the school newsletter to see what we are up to.



Growing Together