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Pupil Wellbeing

At Jeavons Wood Primary School we are committed to providing an inclusive, happy, stimulating and challenging environment where everyone’s potential is valued, enabling them to become confident members of the wider community with respect for themselves and others. 

Our key aims in supporting each child’s wellbeing, are to help support each child to:-

  • Recognise their own strengths and difficulties.
  • Develop self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Work and play co-operatively.
  • Compete fairly, win and lose with grace and dignity and respect all others.
  • Recover from setbacks and persist in the face of difficulties.
  • Make and sustain friendships.
  • Recognise and stand up for their own rights and the rights of others.
  • Be able to solve problems alone and with the help of others.
  • Manage feelings such as frustration, anger and anxiety.
  • Understand and value the differences between people.

We believe that by nurturing each child’s well-being, children will become effective and successful learners.

Medicines in School

Most children from time to time will need to take medication due to childhood illnesses.

Please see the guidelines below. If you have any queries, please contact the school office on 01954 717180.

Short-Term Medicines

If your child requires medicine during the school day we would ask that you attend school to administer it yourself if possible. In the case of medicines for hay fever it may be possible for children to have products which are given once or twice daily avoiding the need to have a dose during the school day.

If you are not able to attend and the medicine needs to be given during school hours (e.g. more than 3 times a day), we will agree to administer medicine, it imust be given to us in the original packaging, with a pharmacy label stating the child’s name and dosage instructions. We also require you to complete a form detailing your request.

Long-term, regular or intermittent requirement

If your child needs to keep medicines in school for regular or intermittent use it must be accompanied by a care plan giving details of the required medication: when and in what circumstances it is to be given.    The medicine itself must be prescribed by a doctor and must be presented in the original packaging complete with a pharmacy label stating the child’s name and dosage instructions. In the case of inhalers, the pharmacy label is usually on the box, so it is important that the inhaler is sent to us in the original box. We check expiry dates before administering medication, but it is your responsibility to ensure that the medicines held in school are kept in date. We will ask you to collect your child’s medicine at the end of the summer term and return it with an updated care plan at the start of the autumn term. We will only request a review of your child’s care plan annually, but if there are any changes relating to your child’s condition or your contact details during the year we would ask that you inform us promptly. If your child requires medication on an occasional basis we will advise you whenever medicine is administered.   

Medical conditions

Please note that we also ask that you complete a care plan for your child if they have a medical condition, whether they require medication in school or not. This will assist us in responding to signs and symptoms which might be particularly important for them.

Whilst we support as much as possible medical advice given to parents and pupils we would encourage children to eat food and take their medication but we would never insist as this is not in line with our behaviour and relationships policy.  Please note: Parents are expected to administer all medication at home where possible. The only exception to this is when a medication has to be administered 4 times a day then 1 dose may be given in school in line with the above.


We are a nut-free school. Please do not send children to school with packed lunches or snacks that contain nuts in any form.

Social & Emotional Support

At Jeavons Wood our children are valued as individuals. We strive to support  the general wellbeing of the children by helping them to become emotionally and mentally resilient. We understand the importance of children's wellbeing and good mental health and the impact this can have on the ability to learn. 

Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) is one of the four Broad Areas of Special Needs and we have provision in place to meet the needs of children with difficulties in this area.  For example, interventions such as SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning), There's a Volcano in My Tummy and Lego Therapy.

Mrs Lisa Hubbard is our Inclusion and Family Worker; she often provides emotional support for the children (regardless of if they have a special need or not).  She has excellent links with outside agencies who can support children and their families.

Nurture Group Intervention

Our Nurture Group Intervention provides additional support for children with barriers to learning. Mrs Hubbard and Mrs Claire Grain (Inclusion Teaching Assistant) run the group and work closely with the SENDCos to provide:  

  • a safe and predictable, structured environment
  • a differentiated curriculum, with roots in the Foundation Stage curriculum,  that has an emphasis on the development of social and emotional skills
  • activities and teaching that will enable the children to be successful back in their classroom
  • adults as positive role models for social communication and interaction

The Nurture Group Intervention currently takes place three afternoons a week and can cater for 4-8 children. The Inclusion team work closely with the teachers to decide which children need to go in the Nurture Group; we assess the children before they go into the group and then review their progress once a term.

The Nurture Group Intervention Policy and further information on the principles of this intervention are available to download from this page.

Growing Together