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Induction / Transition

From Pre-School

We have a very close relationship with our Pre-School, which is located within the grounds of the Primary School so almost all the children starting in Reception will be very familiar with the school already.

The Pre-School is located in a purpose-built building and the children there share our outdoor spaces, including the playing field and Forest School.

There is a robust transition process, which is discussed with parents in the summer term ahead of school entry in September. All children joining the school in Reception are invited to taster sessions in the Reception classroom so that they meet the staff who will be caring for them. The school encourages parents and other professionals to share information about each child's needs and interests.

Jeavons Wood Pre-School is open from 8:45am-2:45pm during term-time and offer 15 hours of funded childcare for 3 and 4-year-olds and, subject to availability, an additional 15 hours of funding for eligible families.

For more information please call 01954 717180 or email

To Secondary School

Jeavons Wood Primary School is a feeder school for Cambourne Village College. Cambourne Village College offer a comprehensive transition programme to assist Year 6 students with the move to secondary school. All parents will receive a letter from Cambourne Village College detailing the events. If your child opts for a different secondary school, you will need to liaise with them directly regarding their transition programme once your child's place has been confirmed.

On-going: Cambourne Village College teachers visit Year 6 students in their Primary School. SEND representatives will attend Annual Review meetings for pupils and will discuss pupils' needs with their current teachers.

Transition Days: These will take place for pupils every July.  They are two consecutive days where the children will attend Cambourne Village College.  The children are to make their own travel arrangements on these days and do not attend Jeavons Wood Primary School. There will be an additional day for pupils identified as having additional transitional needs. For each transition day Cambourne Village College will send out individually named invitations directly to the pupil's home address.

Further information will come out nearer the time about these dates, they will be listed in our diary dates and will be on the Cambourne Village College school website Transition page.

Growing Together