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At Jeavons Wood, we teach all children to become digitally literate: creative, confident and safe users of their device. We also teach them to become digitally resilient: independent, kind and healthy users of their device. Our curriculum enables children to feel empowered by knowledge to make good choices when using technology. Please see our Computing Curriculum Map for more information. 

Every classroom has 2:1 iPads, which are used as a tool to help them learn throughout the day. Children are taught from Foundation to use Seesaw, which is a digital learning tool to support, engage and enhance children's learning experiences. 

Watch the video below to see how we've overcome barriers to learning through iPads at Jeavons Wood.


Learning through iPads


Knowledge Organisers

Click on the links below to access the knowledge organisers for the relevant year groups.

Year 1 

Year 1 Computing Curriculum

Year 2

Year 2 Computing Curriculum

Year 3

Year 3 Computing Curriculum

Year 4

Year 4 Computing Curriculum

Year 5

Year 5 Computing Curriculum

Year 6

Year 6 Computing Curriculum


Growing Together