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Jeavons Wood Primary School PTA (Registered charity: 1158028)

About us
Jeavons Wood PTA is a registered charity made up of parents, carers and teachers who raise additional funds to provide activities and equipment for the children of Jeavons Wood school and preschool.

The objective of our fundraising activities is to advance the education of pupils in the school by providing facilities or equipment that are outside of the school budget but which support the school curriculum.

Our PTA also exists to provide closer links between home and school. We aim to bring staff, parents and friends together socially in support of the school. You can read our full constitution here.

Useful links
For event related payments, please visit: 

For Second Hand Uniform Sales, please visit

Our Aims

The PTA aims to:

  • Organise fun charity activities and events for children and their families.
  • Raise funds for activities and resources that are not funded through the school budget.
  • Provide opportunities that will welcome and encourage parents and carers to become part of the Jeavons Wood school community.
  • Involve the wider community with the school.

Help us by joining in
We really couldn’t achieve what we do without the behind-the-scenes help that we receive. There are many ways you can help and support the PTA. It doesn’t matter if you can’t help on a regular basis, ALL volunteers are welcome.

Contact us on if you would like to talk to us about volunteering at our upcoming events.

Fundraising, events and contributions
The majority of our funds are raised through a variety of events which run throughout the year. Some examples of fundraising events include:

  • School discos
  • Summer fete
  • Cake sales
  • Raffles
  • Pre-loved uniform sales
  • Christmas cards and gifts
  • Non uniform days
  • Donations
  • ...and much more.

Some of the contributions we have made recently include:

  • Playground equipment
  • Disco equipment
  • iPads for all classes - 1 between 2 children across the school
  • Trim Trail
  • Play House
  • Forest school items
  • Foundation and year 1 classroom redevelopment
  • School library books
  • Wildlife pond construction
  • …and much more.

We are also proud to make annual donations of the following items:

  • Coach hire for school trips
  • Foundation new starter rucksacks
  • WOW days for all classes
  • Annual Christmas Pantomime
  • Christmas gifts for all children
  • Ice-pops on Sports Day for all children
  • Year 6 leavers disco and gifts

Our PTA Committee
The PTA is overseen by a committee of elected members. Our current members are:

Chairperson: Deborah Baker
Treasurer: Mandy Nolan
Secretary: Emily Sharpe
Fundraising Lead: Karen Archer

Please feel free to contact us by email, talk to us in the playground or leave a message via the school office in person, by phone: 01954 717180, or by post: PTA c/o Jeavons Wood Primary School, Eastgate, Great Cambourne, CB23 6DZ.

Jeavons Wood PTA has Charity Status
Registered Charity Number: 1158028

We have adopted the Parent Kind model constitution which provides formal recognition of the PTA. Its charitable objectives gives us a legal status which is publicly acknowledged. One of the key benefits of charitable status is the ability to seek funds from grant making trusts, national and local companies and through Payroll and Company Match Giving Schemes. It also allows us to be exempt from the payment of income and corporation tax and we are eligible to apply for Gift Aid. Read our full Constitution here.

Growing Together